Profile of Mary
11 years ago, after moving to the Mississippi Gulf Coast from Wisconsin,
I attended a small miniatures display sponsored by the Magnolia Miniatures
Club. Magnolia Miniatures is still, I believe, the only
miniatures club in Mississippi. I joined the club almost immediately
and enjoy the frequent contact with other miniaturists. Our
club is small, usually between 6 and 12 members, and very casual.
We spend most of our meeting times working on projects.
My first dollhouse was a 1/4 scale foamcore kit
by J. Hermes. After completing it, I jumped in with both feet and
build the 1:12 scale Arthur dollhouse kit by Greenleaf. Stucco
on the exterior of this house made a very attractive little building.
I have also completed a number of roomboxes, both for myself and as gifts,
and a number of little gardens in clear plastic boxes.
As do most miniaturists, I have accumulated enough
"stuff" to keep me busy for years and years to come. I
have two partially constructed 1:12 scale dollhouses that need finishing.
I have 2 other 1:12 scale houses still in boxes, and one 1:24 scale house
still in its box. However, I have been very busy accumulating and
building 1:24 scale furniture kits and am very anxious to get started
on the half scale house. There is no more room for 1:12 anything
in my house!
The best thing about the miniatures hobby is
the variety of materials one can work with and the variety of skills one
can employ. I enjoy working with polymer clay creating food items,
and working with wire, paper mache, and landscaping foam creating bonsai
trees. If I get tired of making one type of item, there are so many
others to choose from.
My brother, Ben, is fond of saying that
my hobby keeps me off the streets and out of the bars! And, as my
grandmother used to say, "Idle hands are the devil's workplace."
My hands, at least, are never idle.