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Miniature Knitting 2 - bedding and miscellaneous


New A video that shows me knitting in miniature to give you an idea of the size needles and thread that I use.



Miniature knitting

A simple chequerboard lace pattern gives a nice old-fashioned textured look to an old style bed. This was knitted with YLI Jeans Stitch thread.

The bed is 5 by 6 inches, and the knitting works out approximately 17 rows to the inch. Knitted on size 20 needles.

This bedcover involved the most work. It was worked with two threads, both 180 thickness which is rather like basting/tacking thread. A beautiful medly of heather colours in one, and plain cream in the other thread. The bed is 3 by 6 inches and it worked out at about 24 rows to the inch. Knitted on size 20 needles.
Miniature knitting

Miniature knitting

Some projects do actually get finished! Click on the picture to see the sides.

This is child size bed, being about 3 inches wide, 4 1/2 inches long. The bedding is my finest yet, with 32 rows to the inch. It is temporarily pinned to the sides until I can work out a way of anchoring it down firmly, perhaps putting a plain valance around the sides. The same stitch is used as for the above bedcover. Size 20 needles.
It is interesting to see how the same rainbow thread that was used in the smallest sweater on the previous page looks against the black background of this picnic blanket/ small rug. Size 20 needles.
Miniature knitting
Miniature knitting
2 inch piece of lace knitting using fine varigated sewing thread. Size 20 needles.
This new quilt uses mitred squares. You can see a full sized 'blankie' here with instructions but of course I have to make a miniature one :-)



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